1,000 Books Before Kindergarten


How It Works

Read a book, any book, to your infant, toddler, or preschooler. The goal is to have read 1,000 books before the start of kindergarten. Don’t let the amount of books overwhelm you. Did you know that if you read 1 book a night, you will have read about 365 books in a year? That is 730 books in 2 years, and 1,095 books in 3 years. With most children starting kindergarten at around 5 years old, you will reach 1,000 books before you know it!

How To Get Started

To take part in 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten simply visit your local WCPL branch, and sign up for the program at the library desk. You will be given a reading log to keep track of your child’s progress, and prizes will be rewarded for reading milestones. Make sure to bring your reading log back to the library, and have your child collect their reading prizes. Receive a sticker for each 100 points, 500 points earns a 1,000 Books themed t-shirt, and at 1,000 points you’ll receive a grand prize with a program completion certificate!

The benefits of taking part in the program are endless. Reading together with your child helps to increase their language and processing skills, builds imagination, and is a fun way to introduce a love for reading! So what are you waiting for? Visit the Williams County Public Library, and start reading with 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten today!

Thank you to the Bryan Area Foundation for funding this program. 

To learn more about 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, contact your WCPL branch by calling 833-633-7323.